Studio View, New York

Studio View, New York

"And Debris", Galerie Lelong, New York, New York

Installation view, "And Debris", Galerie Lelong, New York, New York

Installation view, "And Debris", Galerie Lelong, New York, New York

Red Action #3, oil and enamel on panels, 34 x 70 inches

Red Action #3, oil and enamel on panels, 34 x 70 inches


"Intersections: Relation to and yet not (homage to Mondrian) by Kate Shepherd", The Phillips Collection, Washington, D.C.

A Barnes Collection, old green wall, oil and enamel on panels, 16 x 26 inches

A Barnes Collection, old green wall, oil and enamel on panels, 16 x 26 inches

Gahan Wilson Red Flag, oil and enamel on panel, 45 x 78 inches

Gahan Wilson Red Flag, oil and enamel on panel, 45 x 78 inches